domenica 2 dicembre 2018

13 Dicembre 2018 - VIII meeting NBG

VIII meeting del Neapolitan Brain Group

13 dicembre 2018 - Aula Magna del CESTEV
Biotecnologie, via Tommaso De Amicis n. 95


08.30 – 09.00 Affissione poster

09.00 - 09.30 Saluti iniziali e Presentazione dell’Associazione NBG

09.30 - 10.00 KEYNOTE LECTURE   
“Anche le cicale sanno contare” - Guido Trombetti (UNINA)

10:00 - 10.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE  
“How the lysosome tells the nucleus what to do” - Andrea Ballabio (UNINA/TIGEM)

10.30 - 11.30 PRIMA SESSIONE
Chair: A. Rubino (UNINA), S. Paladino (UNINA)
4 interventi da 10 minuti+ 5 discussione
Ø  Coppola et al. Novel chd2 and kiaa2022 mutations associated with eyelid myoclonia with absences
Ø  Nappi et al. A fluorescence-based assay to evaluate the activity of KV7.2/KV7.3 channel modulators
Ø  Pinelli et al. The first 2 years of experience of the Telethon Undiagnose Diseases Programs
Ø  Zerillo et al. Dysregulation of autophagy has a potential role in SYNJ1-associated early-onset parkinsonism
11.30 - 11.45 COFFEE BREAK

11.45 - 12.45 SECONDA SESSIONE
Chair: N. Brunetti Pierri (UNINA/TIGEM), M. Pinelli (UNINA/TIGEM)
4 interventi da 10 minuti+ 5 discussione
Ø  Tunisi et al. Orexin-a prevents lps-induced neuroinflammation at the level of the gut-brain axis
Ø  Boccella et al. Ultra-micronized palmitoylethanolamide rescues the cognitive decline-associated loss of neural plasticity in the neuropathic mouse entorhinal cortex-dentate gyrus pathway
Ø  Operto et al. Reading and writing difficulties: the role of context
characteristics and teachers judgments
Ø  Pero et al. Pathogenic role of tubulin post-translational modifications in bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy (BIPN)
13.00 - 13.30 LUNCH BREAK

13.30 - 15.00 SESSIONE POSTERS

15.00 - 15.30 KEYNOTE LECTURE  
“Mechanisms regulating human neurogenesis” – Silvia Cappello (Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany)

15.30 - 16.30  TERZA SESSIONE
Chair: G. Andria (UNINA), Maria G. Miano (CNR-IGB)
4 interventi da 10 minuti+ 5 discussione
Ø  Indrieri et al. mir-181a and mir-181b downregulation protects from mitochondria-associated neurodegeneration by enhancing mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy
Ø  Santonicola et al. Neuroprotective role of hrp-2/syncrip in a C.elegans model of spinal muscular atrophy
Ø  Di Matteo et al. 3D human models to understand the neurogenic role of cystatin b in human epilepsy EPM1
Ø  Punzo et al. Epigenetic landscape of D-amino acids system genes during development and in schizophrenia
16.30 - 16.45 COFFEE BREAK

16.45 - 17.45  QUARTA SESSIONE
Chair: C. Bravaccio (UNINA), G. Vitiello (UNINA/MBBM)
4 interventi da 10 minuti+ 5 discussione
Ø  Spagnuolo et al. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor modulates cholesterol homeostasis and apolipoprotein e synthesis in human models of astrocytes and neurons
Ø  Monaco et al. The molecular tweezer CLR01 inhibits amyloid aggregation relieving lysosomal pathology and protecting against neurodegeneration in lysosomal storage diseases
Ø  Forte et al. Chronic overweight severely impairs adult hippocampal neurogenesis and plasticity
Ø  Leggieri et al. mRNA analysis of novel genes differentially expressed during adult neurogenesis in the short lived teleost Nothobranchius furzeri
E. Del Giudice (UNINA), G. Piccialli (CESTEV, UNINA)

Meeting scientific committee
E. Del Giudice (UNINA), C. Lucini (UNINA),
R. Di Giaimo (UNINA), P. Sordino (SZN), A. Germanà (Università di Messina),
P. Striano (IRCCS Istituto G. Gaslini)