lunedì 4 dicembre 2017



09.00 - 09.15 Presentazione dell'SZN e saluti del Presidente Roberto Danovaro, saluti del coordinatore dell’NBG Ennio Del Giudice

09.15 - 11.00 PRIMA SESSIONE 
Chair: P. Sordino (SZN), G. Andria (UNINA)
09.15-9.30: Brain metabolic DNA is synthesized by reverse trascription in cytoplasmic organelles (Rutigliano, UNINA)
09.30-9.45: Regulation of trafficking and folding of cellular prion protein PrPC and its shadow Shadoo (Sarnataro, UNINA/CEINGE)
09.45-10.00: Characterization of smn-1 genetic interactors in a C.elegans SMA model (Santonicola, IBBR)
10.00-10.15:  Study of neural stem cell biology in a mouse model of Rett syndrome (Squillaro, UNINA2)
10.15-10.30:  Nerve regeneration in the cephalopod mollusc Octopus vulgaris: from images to discoveries (Imperadore, SZN)
10.30-10.45: Orexin and endocannabinoid morphological interactions in the brain of adult zebrafish (Imperatore, UNISANNIO/ICB)
10.45-11.00: Shutting down ranslation of Amyloid Precursor protein in early symptomatic hAPP mutan mice rescues the Alzheimer Disease phenotype (Borreca, IBCN)

11.00 - 11.30 COFFEE BREAK e POSTERS

11.30 - 13.00 SECONDA SESSIONE 
Chair: M. Cataldi (UNINA), G. Fiorito (SZN) 
11.30-11.45:  Protocadherins and their role in brain complexity – a tale from
Octopus (Styfhals, SZN)
11.45-12.00:  Evidence of increased oxidative stress in Pompe disease. A new therapeutic target? (Tarallo, UNINA/TIGEM)
12.00-12.15:  Inhibition of monoacylglycerol lipase terminates diazepamresistant status epilepticus in mice and its effects are potentiated by a ketogenic diet (Terrone, UNINA/M.Negri)
12.15-12.30:  Orexin-Aenhances dopaminergic signaling in the brain of obese mice (Tunisi, ICB/UNINA)
12.30-12.45:  Onecut gene function in the CNS of chordates: development and evolution (Locascio, SZN)
12.45-13.00:  Targeting neuronal proteostasis to treat the CNS in lysosomal storage diseases (Monaco, TIGEM)

13.00 - 13.30 LUNCH BREAK

13.30 - 14.00 SESSIONE POSTERS

14.00 - 15.30 TERZA SESSIONE 
Chair: E. Di Schiavi (IBBR), B. Franco (TIGEM)
14.00-14.15: Myoclonic Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg (EPM1):
understanding the role of Cystatin b in human cerebral organoids (Pipicelli,
UNINA/Max Planck)
14.15-14.30: A rat model of perinatal stress: impact on gene expreession of glutamatergic postsynaptic density genes (Avagliano, UNINA)
14.30-14.45: Modulation of aging pathways as a therapeutic strategy for
Parkinson’s disease (Decressac, TIGEM) 
14.45-15.00: Alteration of endosomal trafficking is associated  with neurodegenerative diseases (Paladino, UNINA/CEINGE)
15.00-15.15: Effects of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Trycarbonil on dopaminergic neurons in zebrafish (Fasano, SZN/UNISANNIO)
15.15-15.30: Striatonigral involvement in Fabry Disease: a quantitative and volumetric MRI study (Russo, UNINA)

15.30 - 16.00 COFFEE BREAK (to be confirmed) e POSTERS 

16.00 - 17.30 QUARTA SESSIONE 
Chair: C. Lucini (UNINA), M. Taglialatela (UNINA)
16.00-16.15: The inflammatory response following acute seizures in zebrafish brain and in chordate evolution (Nittoli, SZN)
16.15-16.30: Pragmatic abilities in multiple sclerosis: an RS-FMRI study
(Cocozza, UNINA)
16.30-16.45: Default Mode Network modifications in Fabry Disease (Cocozza,
16.45-17.00: Brain functional changes and cognitive dysfunction in Friedreich's
Ataxia (Cocozza, UNINA)
17.00-17.15: Dissecting PRUNE-1/NME1 function in brain and cerebellum of
Microcephaly and Peho syndrome affected patients (Zollo, UNINA/CEINGE) 17.15-17.30: De novo gain-of-function variants in the Slo2 family of Na+activated K+ channels are responsible for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (Manocchio, UNIMOL)